Thursday, October 14, 2010

Juicy Couture Rubix Cube!!!!!!!

 HEY, everyone! 
I'm sure you've all heard about this, but they have FINALLY come out with
a Juicy Couture rubix cube! In case you didn't know, I am in love with Juicy 
Couture. That's why I was SO EXCITED when they came out with these. Well, as of 3 days ago, this girl at my school, Ashley, bought one of these AND BROUGHT IT TO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been trying SO hard to try and solve it! The only one of my friends to even come closest was Vanessa, and she claims to have been solving rubix cubes forever. I don't know about forever, but Vanessa promised to teach me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned! :D

Saturday, October 2, 2010

All About Taylor Micake

   Hey!  I'm Taylor, and I am new to blogging, but I hear its really fun. I love Juicy Couture, and taking my pugs, Rita and Princess, to the dog park. Rita is really cute and fun, and Princess is a little more dramatic, but really sweet. I watch juicystar07 and otherjuicystar07, as well as allthatglitters21 on youtube, and I listen to Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Taylor Swift. I love to eat orange and purple tootsie roll pops, but I only like the orange and purple ones. I don't like the rest. Anyway, This is me!